Personal and Miscellaneous (Original Studio 1998-2007)

Saturn Our new car. ’98 Saturn Sedan
Our ’87 Plymouth Voyager died
We’ve leased from Saturn of
Burlingame, CA for 3 years
for $250 a month.
We’re really happy with the car
and the service we get from the
staff at Saturn.
We could have gotten a much
lower monthly payment, but
Hiroyuki Wanted a sun roof and I
wanted the full electrical
package with the alarm system
We are happy with the car.
Saturn Hiroyuki wants to be able to show
everyone the car so he has taken
several pictures to be posted.
The car rides very quietly.
It is a solidly built car
and with the maintenance program
there will be no suprises
during the term of the lease
Saturn This is the final picture. Shall we go for a drive?? (-:
Jerry This is our first cat Jerry.. 4 1/2 years old and such a finiky
eater you never saw. (-:
Jerry Jerrry Jerry
Jerry A couple more shots of Jerry. These show him (a.) Watching M.A.S.H. on TV and (b.) Sleeping in his normal(?) position. (-: Jerry
  We were concerned that Jerry would become lonely so we got him a buddy. This is Cappucino a four year old Himalayan.  
Dinner Cappucino Cappucino
Dinner We had some friends over for dinner on 3/27/00  
Jerry Jerry, now, after 2 years, is somewhat protective of Yuki (-:  
Glass Racks This is April 2000. Our old glass racks in the studio were woefully inadequate. We have a wonderful group of dear friends who donated their time one Sunday to throw out the old and build the new. These are the old racks. Glass Racks
Work We borrowed the parking lot of our neighbor next door to have enough room. From left to right. Frank, Yuki, Fred, Sid and Chuck. Work
Work Yuki had never seen an air gun for nailing before. Once he got ours in his hand he never let anyone else use it. Work
Work Yuki spent most of his time straddling the interior of the new racks so he could do all the nailing. Frank is one of our students who came in for a 3 week intensive course and wound up staying for two months. We made good use of his muscles this day (-: Thanks Frank (-: Work
Work We worked from 9 a.m. till 11 p.m. Work
Work Everyone found a job and things progressed quickly Work
Work We had everything ready in no time at all.  
Racks We built the racks in quartered sections Racks
Racks Talk about heavy. We would never have been able to move a single unit. Racks
Racks Final assembly was with earthquake reinforcing joints  
Finished Racks And here we are, FINISHED! Thank you all so very much for your time and help. (-: Finished Racks